Dr John Brian Anthony | Jul 3, 08 4:10pm Malaysiakini
Looking at the physical development of Sarawak, it lacks so many things even the most basic needs - roads, water, electricity, education and health. Why are we still so dependent on river transport? Why are Sarawak trunk roads in such poor condition and lack proper facilities for drivers?
Why is clean drinking water so difficult to get and there is still no electricity for dwelling places that are located in some urban areas and most sub-urban areas. Where is the money from our timber? Has it gone into the pockets of elite businessmen and corrupted politicians and civil service officers?
A timber tug boat operator now owns one of the largest timber companies and has hundreds and thousands of acres of plantation land - how can that be? It can be when the chief politician makes it so. In the process, the people of Sarawak are deprived of their wealth generated from the valuable tropical trees that the natives have held so dear to their heart.
The jungle is the major provider of their needs. For the rich man, he sent in gangsters to his estates to subdue any Dayak from making complaints and demanding for a better living standard. The Dayak got the wrong end of the stick in all cases.
Money from oil? Many are asking what has happened to the money we get from the oil royalty? We are now suffering from an oil price hike so when did we enjoy the money from our oil then? The price of gas cylinders for cooking is reaching $180 per tank in rural Sarawak. The natives cannot understand such products that are produced in Bintulu - from Sarawak’s gas field - are priced that high.
The West Malaysians are paying much less and they are the ones that have no gas when we take the Terengganu equation out.
Why are we not seeing good schools and good health care for Sarawak’s rural folks? The ‘Flying Doctor’ service is still too limited while billions worth of hospitals are built in West Malaysia - not one but many. In Sarawak, the Sarawak General Hospital was built maybe four decades ago. Do we have a new one - the answer is ‘no’.
We do have new expensive private hospitals though the poor rural folks have no chance of using them as they don't have the money.
Money from hydro-dams? The Batang Ai hydro dam has forced the relocation of people living in the area. There is no land to expand their farming activity and the Sarawak Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation Authority (Salcra) provides only minimum wages for their work in the plantations and a low return for their shares in Salcra. The government has shortchanged the people.
The same government headed by the same person after 30 plus years is ignoring the plight of the poor people in Lubuk Antu. You just need to go to Lubuk Antu - what major economic activities have been implemented there? The answer is none as the government’s idea of helping the poor is by not training them to have skills and knowledge to better themselves.
Some Dayak leaders are there to ensure that the Dayaks do not progress and are therefor easier to control for political gain.
Is electricity made available to the longhouses and villages in nearby areas? The answer is ‘no’.
The Bakun dam is near completion. Is it going to benefit Sarawak poor - the answer is ‘no’. It will feed the richer West Malaysian states and provide power to their industries.
Why don't they relocate their industries to Sarawak? Because it is too expensive and Sarawak lacks basic infrastructure, it lacks skilled workers, it has limited port facilities, a poor transport system, it lacks towns that can provide comforts for the employees, etc.
This goes to show that the rich grab the poor man’s resources but are not paying for such resources in the correct manner. Otherwise why are the poor getting poorer? Why should we still stay with Malaysia?
Money from palm oil? Where is the money earned from plantations? We all know that the biggest plantation companies are from West Malaysia and Umno-linked companies. Just go to their offices and the senior management teams and managers are West Malaysians. The field supervisors and labourers are local Sarawakians - we can't help but feel ‘colonised’ and made second-class citizen of Malaysia.
Our prime land is taken to feed West Malaysians. We feel very disappointed and hurt by this attitude. It is time for Sarawakians to think about leaving Malaysia. Leaving Malaysia - why?
Sarawak has not received what is due to them.
Sarawak has been sidelined and ignored - no senior positions in the federal civil service, no senior members in the police and army, no important positions in the cabinet. The Sarawak bumiputera is a ‘fourth class’ citizen, behind the major races in West Malaysia.
We didn't join Malaysia to only learn to speak Bahasa Malaysia and have Islam as our official religion. We did not join Malaysia to champion ‘Ketuanan Melayu’ and be made used of by Umno elitists to further strengthen their grip on political power and wealth.
We want justice, we want equality, we want respect and we want dignity in our lives. We do not need to bow, kneel and plead for what is rightly ours. We want our own money to develop ourselves and be able to live a better life.
From this frustration with the BN government under Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, we are even thinking of leaving Malaysia. It has brought us untold misery and frustration with its poor leadership and poor planning accorded to Sarawak.
Furthermore, why has the federal government not approved the Dayak community’s wish to form their own political party known as the Malaysian Dayak Congress? They should ensure that the races are represented by political organisations of their choice.
We want to have our political freedom of choice and association. We do not want to feel that there is ethnic genocide in Sarawak too. Sarawak for Sarawakians.
It is the very policy and structure of BN government that is causing Sarawak to lag behind so far from the rest of Malaysia. The Sarawak leader can shout nonsense that the Dayaks are equal to the rest of the Malaysian population etc because he wants to feel good about himself - he who has overstayed his welcome and value.
He has made certain elites in the community rich beyond their wildest dreams. Have these elitists helped Sarawak’s poor - the answer is still ‘no’.
My personal views
Though I do believe that Dr. John put up some serious & valid matter here but the question is what if Sarawak is NOT in Malaysia in the first place? Would things have become better? Would Chinese domination on business becomes absolute that the other communities would be at the point of poverty resulting in serious & maybe deadly revolutions afterwards? Would we find ways to use our petroleum resources & other natural resources for our own state betterment? Or would we have lost that rights to Brunei?
Peninsular Malaysian may deny it as much as they can but its true there are a sense of discrimination, misrepresentation and even wrong assumptions towards East Malaysian. Even I've been four years in Kuala Lumpur there are still people who would ask me 'when did I come to Malaysia?'. Even some who didn't believe we are Bumiputera because most of us Bidayuh are not Muslim. Where is the acknowledgment that we are Malaysian as well? I think this is one matter the government should tackle. Not just keep showing in mainstream media how much we enjoy wearing our traditional garb. Its like, the normal ads, Chinese in suits,Indian in suits, Malays in Batik & suddenly some Iban guy wearing loincloth and feathers. To put it nicely, WTF???!!
How long 'Malaysian' treats Sarawakian as outsiders? And how long Sarawakian will feels that 'Malaysian' are outsiders too? Two sides of the coin,eh?
So who are we to blame? I think Michael Jackson says it best "I'm looking at the man in the mirror. I'm asking him to make a change."
As for growth, Sarawak had grown. I should know. I'm from Bau which use to have big boulders as roads. And I was there when Batang Ai dam was built as my father worked in Sesco. Who was to blame the longhouse didn't have electricity? Those who knew the stories should ask who cheated & lied to them first. I don't think it was the Federal Government. Though I do think when comes to Sarawak they prefer to wash their hands off, leaving the Sarawak Taiko in charge. And as for the Sarawak Taiko was he that bad ? Yet he had somehow 'protected' Sarawakians all these years?
And for the petrol & electrical prices, I do agree that we should NOT pay more. We ARE the producing state anyway. Why is that the government keep ignoring the prices differences & yet still mouthing we are ALL Malaysian? If we are ALL Malaysian, then why can't we all enjoy the same prices?
As for Pak Lah, I'm supporting him. Why? A simple reason. I could think no one could or should replace him now. Datuk Anwar? Datuk Najip? Datuk Muhiyuddin? Their life, their history, their character are all highly questionable. Are they able to manifest the changes that Pak Lah had done. The people power had increased because of him. Yet ironically that same people who enjoyed the power are trying to put him down. I would prefer Datuk Hishammudin but he doesn't seem to have the proper supports. As for Datuk Najip, if he does become Prime Minister one day, I hope he would be a good one. Not just a proxy or bend towards his cronies. If he does becomes Prime Minister of Malaysia, I will support him.
And, why, pray tell? A simple reason. If the citizen doesn't support their leader who happens to be the pillar of the country then who will?
Back to the Sarawak dilemma, I believe Sarawakians, Natives, Malays, Chinese, Indians, Aliens...are one strong & unique bunch. We don't go down that easily. More & more of us a climbing the educational line. More & more of us can be found as professionals in high end industries, even in foreign countries.
And as for me, my contribution to my Bidayuh community, my Sarawak homeland and my country, one of them, is in creating this blog. My way of opening the world to mine.
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You are very fair with what you say but you are too polite. Who put this goons in Sarawak and control Sarawak only for the BN cronies. You are too kind to them.
ReplyDeleteIn todays world, if you want progress, show the stick and you will get progress otherwise they run all over you.
I cannot think of one reason that after 45 years, why is Sarawak is so under developed. Its a shame, all the money has been used for West Malaysia and to make rich the cronies and Umnoputras.
This is fact, what you say is a hope. Change the ruling party and maybe you will see progress. In an environment if you keep all things constant, there will be no change only evolution, which is a slow natural process
West Malaysian
Hi MYblog,
ReplyDeleteYou may be right saying I'm too polite but the things is I'm not a political person.
Things are changing in Sarawak & yes, there are goons who 'milking' the people but there are a lot of positive things happening in Sarawak that West Malaysian are not being told off because some/most mainstream media like to show Sarawak as being outdated or victimized.
Don't worry. We are not. Especially the Natives. We have survived this world hundreds of years. Change are needed, yes & its happening. Voices are needed, yes & started to be heard. This is not hope. This is faith & beliefs.
Anyway, how much do you think yuo know about East Malaysian?
[quote]Would Chinese domination on business becomes absolute that the other communities would be at the point of poverty resulting in serious & maybe deadly revolutions afterwards?[/quote]
ReplyDeletewow, you are a typical product of BN. really scare of the chinese, do you?
no wonder all the racist tactics by BN are still working well.
you know what... if you are working hard, you are deserving everything you have earned regardless the race, religion and sex.
just compare the currency of malaysia and singapore. you will know how terrible our government management is the last 50 years.
and you still can stand our flip flop corrupted to the core government???
btw, have you voted before???
and the last thing is to ask your wakil rakyat to do the right thing!!!
Hi Chong,
ReplyDeleteOf all the things I've written, you pick that one. You are typical Chinese. I'll bet if you're filthy rich after 'milking' all the people around you including your own people, you'll probably moved to a kwailo countries that you worship so much.
For your info, I lived with Chinese families before & the discrimination doesn't stop with other races but among themselves. And yes, I do have Chinese close friends.
Sometimes, its not really about discrimination but about 'not or refusing to understand other peoples culture'. Say what you want, some (take note some) Chinese tends to think other races are idiots. & doesn't seem to understand speaking in language others can't understand are considered rude.
You don't even read the part that I say I'm not a political person neither did you read about the questions I posed to our politicians.
As for the 'quote', look at the Indonesia during the economic crisis. This things can happen. And I know the voice of dissent are growing in Sarawak. So I should ignore this truth & let some bloody carnage happen in the future? Give me a good reason why I should choose the path of destruction.
i strong agree with u. u speak out the voice of sarawakian. But, i think u should no label as bidayuh issue... You must label as Sarawakian issue..
ReplyDeleteAfter 45 year independent in the Malaysia, fully support to the BN government, as the result, what they give back to us, threat us? This is 45 year development mean which i saw, the people lived in the state which produce high quality oil and gas need pay more for the usage of oil and gas, main road like jungle road, no electricity and many more which is basic which can easily managed and provided by the leader in 45 year. Money from the palm oil, oil n gas and also timber which in 45 year, where going? If use properly 20% of the money which got to invest in development of sarawak, i think the situation of sarawak is totally different. The leader always say sarawak always need to stay at malaysia, so development will be faster. I hope they will think before say this after 45 year in malaysia..I hope the leader which choose by sarawakian will be act smart after election. Just look at Sabah, their leader is begin take forward for their people, act for the development of the sabah and sabah people, y should no sarawak leader doing the similar thing which is given high expectation from sarawakian?
When i come to Peninsular Malaysia for study, when i heard is the Sarawakian still living at tree, i noticed the view of peninsular people is given negative perspective to east malaysian. The sadness is even sarawak and sabah is rich of resources, the people live there earn low salary and pay high for the basic daily living thing such as gas and to west malaysia, high salary and low daily living thing...
I think many of sarawakian and sabahan want to go back to hometown, work at there and stay with their family. But, without the job opportunity and low salary, how go back and live there?
Finally just can go back on the season time, gather and celebrate with the family. But here also come another problem. Even though AirAsia say low fares, but when coming to the season times, the ticket is double or triple compare going to oversea place..Sometimes, the ticket is no enough to go back.
From here, can see that how many sarawakian people come/travel to other place looking for job opportunity or study...
Looking back, this is the result of the 45 year development from the BN government which support by sarawakian people with the reason of development, development, development. I just get the meaning of development of the BN government
Hi Anonymous,
ReplyDeleteAlso agreed with you. But separating from Malaysia will solve the issue. Denying that Sarawak have problems also will not solve the issue. Thats why, certain things that we refuse to look at, like discrimination, cronism, lack of exposures for some, mindset, prices even, ... this are the things that our leaders should looked at before things gets worse. I also moved to KL to look for better opportunities. But not only Sarawakian. A lot of people from other states are flocking to KL & I wonder if the government are not putting enough effort on other states.
All i want to know is any one can tell me what is the relationship between Bidayuhs and the crocodile,because i came across there is a legend or tales connected ,just like why Malays do not consumed porks,most of Indians do not take beef...any one please?..mail to me at thank you.
ReplyDeleteI guess, from my perspective... I'd have to say that Sarawak would prosper under its own rule.
ReplyDeleteI believe that the Federal Government has not given enough credit and appreciation towards the people of Sarawak, and say so much when they increase an allocation by a few millions (how much can that do for us?? We are as big as the Peninsular!!). I'd like to see a substantial amount allocated for us. No doubt we are growing, but we are slower than the peninsular and they are still more advance.
As for those from the west malaysia, I do feel that they should mind their own business, and bother not about fighting of our rights in Sarawak, which means a huge NO to PAS, UMNO, MCA, MIC and other peninsular based parties. Sarawakians should fight for Sarawakians. I feel that the current immigration law that Sarawak has regarding other Malaysians coming into our lovely state should be maintained. Its not that I hate them, or dislike them.. but Sarawakians are still far from them, and if you look at Sabah (which has loosen up their immigration laws), the high post in the civil service is full of west malaysians while the locals take up the 'small post'. After all, like most people say, the politics in sarawak is somewhat unique.
Speaking on our 'taiko'.. I feel he has played his role well. Despite him manipulating so much, he has protected and ensured that most of us Sarawakians are happy, especially the minority bumi's. I know that the Chinese are not happy... but that is something SUPP should look into. For me, this 'taiko's' biggest achievement is shielding Sarawak form peninsular based parties, and for me, that has translated into us having somewhat some political freedom in Sarawak.
Now, the only issue to me is from the federal government. They didn't appoint 'that many' ministers from Sarawak despite Sarawak's victorious sweep in the BN campaign...and when there was not even one Bidayuh MP in the 2008 cabinet line-up.. I felt so discriminated, frustrated and cheated.
"They didn't appoint 'that many' ministers from Sarawak despite Sarawak's victorious sweep in the BN campaign" , that is what I felt for Dr Tiki.
ReplyDeleteI think as for Dr. Tiki, though I can't say much coz I don't know him personally, but from what I heard, he wasn't really a 'good functional' representative of Bidayuh. But, again, those are just words. Its a shame that we didn't get more reps but having just reps sitting there in the parliament doin nuthin & with little authority...well, can't say much...
ReplyDeleteIt is not whether Sarawak's future lies in Malaysia.
ReplyDeleteRather whether Sarawak's working class wants to continue to see the:
1. Gross abuse of power
2. We are willing to change our mind set and get our adun's to work for us rather than we apple polish them, like what is happening to our older folks when the adun's come a calling. Too often we see our older flocks apple polishing them, revering them and serving them with the best food. Instead, it should be the other way round and let the aduns know what we are going through and life is so different away from theor cushy and air conditioned office.
Wake up Sarawakians. Throw BN out.
Kick Taib Mahmud from Swak. All Problem will solve. Trust me.
ReplyDeleteI think you are very fair and reasonable in your comments... and reflective on the normal on-the-ground person in Sarawak. Politically minded persons tend to be opinionated one way or the other, depending on their inclinations.
ReplyDeleteI don't think anyone should even think of seceding from Malaysia. That would be disastrous for all of us. None of the states could survive alone, but only be a pawn for the superpowers, if that happen.
The best solution is to fight for our rights within the current framework (and that of 1963). Kick out the bad guys and install leaders who truly represent us, whether in Sarawak, Sabah or the Peninsula.
i thought i was the only one that felt that way about Sarawak.. many issues have been brought up but personally i think that the community and their mentality have to be put first hand. we can't change the land if we do not change ourselves first. we should be the one out there standing for our rights. good one though.
ReplyDeletei guess the situation will be much better if the brooke family didn't hand-over us to the british government,but continue to be our king and build a strong nation.i would prefer the borneo island become an independent country.borneo is a unique place.
ReplyDeleteGood arguments.
ReplyDeletelol... it was a fun thought thinking about what if Borneo had been left to the Brooke family and not divided into Malaysia, Indonesia and some dare say Kesultanan Sulu. Then we would have Petrobrooke, Brooke Hydro Dam (which would have been completed by a guy named Brooke Ting), Batang Brooke Dam (Aha puns intended.) Cat International Airport or if we are lucky, Pusak International Aiport and bridges that we have to pay toll in dollars. And we would be called Borneon. Hmm...though I do believe we might ended up being called Brookians. >_<"""
1) Sarawak shud hav gone the way of bruneian. Instead of joining malaysia we shud learn to rule our land under protectorate of the then british goverment ( read brunei history ). Until we are able to establish our goverment/defence only then we seek full independence. It's pity that our past leader fail to see that.
ReplyDelete2) It's sad that you generalized chinese negatively. Umno successfully blind you. What do you know about indonesian chinese? Their haters are indo muslim. Do you know kalimantan chinese are well regarded by their fellow kalimantan natives? I can vouch on that as I've been living there before. Ah...near at home, don't forget that chinese helped to establish townships ( example Sibu ). No other countries in the world except Indo / malaysia has problem with their chinese citizen. Look at Singapore, without chinese it might be end up just like batam/riau islands ( see world map ).
3)It's seems you have little understanding about sarawak political scene. Don't worry, you're not alone. It's not easy to overthrow current state goverment. Influential political families practically control everything ( even anti rasuah agency can't do much ). Federal goverment will do nothing as long as local goverment do not disturb them from sucking our oil reserve.
Dayung, the more you know/understand about our sarawak, you'll be sad. I already give up sarawak for better living abroad. I'm very well treated than I was in Malaysia.
Macam lah Sarawak saja yang miskin, Kelantan, Terengganu macam mana? Nak kena keluar M'sia juga ke?